Regular Professional Training In Corporate Governance
Corporate governance systems have evolved over centuries, often in response to corporate failures or systemic crises. In recent years however, corporate governance has emerged as a discipline in its own right. Corporate governance is now linked to national governance. Sound corporate governance cannot be regarded as a luxury or an option for businesses in this 21st century.
For investors, clear evidence of sound corporate governance assures a better climate for investment. Sound corporate governance means good business. In order to fill the vacuum of systemic training for Corporate Directors, the Institute of Directors-Ghana has developed this professional course on corporate governance.
The course content covers competencies Directors require for effective and efficient practice
The objects of the training are to enable Directors to:
- Add value to corporate activities
- Gain admission into membership of the Institute
- Improve their skills and competencies
- Introduce professionalism into their practice
Duration and Flexibility
The Forty-two (42) credit hour course runs on Weekday (Evening) for twenty-one (21) days.
Time: 1800hrs GMT to 2000hrs GMT
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Faculty and Target Group
The IoD-Gh’s unique professional training is facilitated by a faculty composed of talented and broadly experienced professionals. These professionals include Lawyers, Accountants, Bankers, Cyber Crime Experts, Engineers, Lecturers and other industry experts drawn from both private and public sectors of the economy. They possess excellent skills in teaching and have a deep passion for good corporate governance
Target group for this course includes: Board/Council Members, Board Secretaries, Chief Executives, Senior Managers, Board Secretaries, Partners, Entrepreneurs, Engineers, Lecturers, Professionals, Academicians, Clergy and Civil Society
Course Materials and Assessment
Each participant receives comprehensive course materials containing lecture notes, articles, case studies and essential documents for use during the training program. This toolkit also serves as a reference manual thereafter.
As part of the training, there is also an end of program competence assessment.
Completion and Certification
A certificate of completion is issued to candidates who successfully complete the course and are admitted into membership of the Institute of Directors-Ghana based on experience of the individual. Candidates are entitled to use the designation AIoD or MIoD after their names depending on their membership admission category after the Induction Ceremony.
Training Schedules and Fees (2025)
Weekday Evening Sessions
March: 3rd March – 31st March
April: 22nd April – 21st May
June: 10th June – 8th July
August: 5th August – 2nd September
September: 29th September – 27th October
Time: 6pm – 8pm (21 Weekdays)
Venue: Online (Zoom)
Note: Please the dates are tentative – commencement is based on the required minimum number of participants
Training fee per participant